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Population size: 

587,447 [1]

Number of people experiencing domestic abuse each year:

32% reported experiencing at least one act of physical or sexual interpersonal violence in their lifetime.

6% reported at least one act during the twelve months prior to the survey.

Physical abuse was more common than sexual (27% v 13%). Emotional violence was the most common form.

The data suggests that abuse is rarely one-off. 45% of respondents reported experiencing domestic abuse many times in their lifetime as opposed to a few times or once. [2]

No research on male victims or other gender identities.

Cost of domestic abuse to the economy each year:

No research.

Estimated % change due to COVID-19:

No research.

Current law and policy:

Suriname adopted a Law on Domestic Violence in 2009. However, assessments as to the efficacy of the law and related policy developments are not readily available. Suriname adopted The Law on Domestic Violence on 2 June 2009. Under the law, "domestic violence" is defined as follows: each form of physical, sexual, psychological and financial violence which is perpetrated by a person against a partner, child, parent, member of the family or dependent no matter where the violence takes place. In this law protection measures are also included. [3]

A steering Committee on Domestic Violence was additionally created in 2008 in order to propose: policy related to the prevention and combat of domestic violence; policy related to integrated crisis shelter and guidance of victims; coordinate the implementation of policies regarding prevention and combat of domestic violence and integrated crisis shelter and guidance of victims; and evaluate the cooperation and adomestic violenceise on the progress or finalization of the treaty of Cooperation.[4] Further policy is outlined in the "Sector Plan Rechtsbescherming (Legal Protection) en Veiligheid (security) 2006-2010" of the Ministry of Justice and Police, outlining policy targets to improve the position of women and children. [5]

Public spending - The Bureau Gender Affairs has allocated a budget to programs preventing violence against women. In 2013, the budget was 1,169,000 SRD, in 2014 it was 995,000SRD and in2015&2016 it was 500,000 SRD. Over three years this amounts to a 50% decrease. This does not reflect a decrease in domestic abuse cases and there is an urgent need for budget reallocation. [6]



[1] Worldometer, “Suriname Population (Live)”, (

[3] Law on Domestic Violence

[4] Steering Committee on Domestic Violence

[5] Ministry of Justice and Police “Sector Plan Rechtsbescherming (Legal Protection) en




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