Population size:
98,462 [1]
Number of people experiencing domestic abuse each year:
No research but more than 5,400 cases were registered at Family Tribunal between 2009 and 2019. [2]
Cost of domestic abuse to the economy each year:
In 2016, domestic abuse cost 4.6% of GDP. [3]
Estimated % change due to COVID-19:
No research.
Current law and policy:
Seychelles new Domestic Violence Act makes public its commitment to work to end violence against women and girls. In June 2020 Seychelles passed a new Domestic Violence Act. Seychelles Minister for Family Affairs, MitcyLarue, stated: “As a country, we have the obligation to safeguard all sectors of our society. […] [We hope to] consolidate the services that already exist, being into being new ones, as well as reinforce education at all levels of the family and ensure we train out professionals and technicians to be able to implement the different facets of the new law.” Further projects are in development to end violence against women and girls as supported by the European Union.
[1] Worldometer, “Seychelles Population (Live)”, (worldometers.info)