Population size:
5.4 million [1]
Number of people experiencing domestic abuse each year:
In 2018, a total of 3509 cases of ill-treatment in family relations were reported. 64% of the victims of domestic violence, including domestic violence, were women. [2]
27% of ever-partnered women aged 20-55 years experienced lifetime prevalence of physical IPV against them and 9% of these had experienced serious physical violence. [3]
No research on male victims or other gender identities.
Cost of domestic abuse to the economy each year:
No research.
Estimated % change due to COVID-19:
No research.
Current law and policy:
Norway commits to ratify the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, conduct nationwide survey, and develop a strategy against violence and sexual abuse towards children and youth.
Norway signed the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence on 7 July 2011. The signature of the Convention was an important signal from the Norwegian government that this work will be given high priority. Norway is now in process of ratifying the Convention, and commits to do so as soon as possible.
The Convention will be an important platform for the further work of the Norwegian government to combat violence against women and domestic violence in years to come. It is also one of the most important sources of inspiration when we on 8 March this year launch a white paper on domestic violence. Here challenges regarding domestic violence will be identified and addressed. Norway commits to meet these challenges in a new Plan of action to combat domestic violence which will be launched in June 2013.
There is a need for more knowledge about the extent of domestic violence in Norway and especially about spousal homicide cases. Norway commits to conduct a nationwide survey on violence against women starting during the spring 2013 and to take initiative to conduct research about spousal homicide cases.
It is also time to rethink protective measures in a way which shifts the burden from the victim to the offender. As a tool to improve the situation for victims of violence by limiting the action of the offender Norway is now in the process of implementing the use of electronic monitoring or tracking devices of persons who have violated a ban on contact or visits. Norway commits to direct further efforts at measures that take the burden off the victim and place it on the offender.
The Norwegian Government is committed to ensure that public services safeguard the rights of different groups in society. Forced marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM/C) are forms of violence against women and girls which must be given the same attention as other forms of violence. The Government commit to continue the work to combat forced marriage and FGM/C. In February 2013 a new Action plan was launched, which, in addition to measures on the topics mentioned, includes measures to combat serious limitations on young people’s freedom to make decisions concerning their own lives and futures.
Norway will also address the issue of protection of children who are subjected to or witness domestic violence. The Norwegian Government commits to develop a strategy against violence and sexual abuse towards children and youth with the aim to prevent violence and sexual abuse and protect children and youth under 18 years that is or have been exposed.
The Government has proposed amendments in the Children Act, in order to give children better protection against violence and sexual abuse. These were recently subject to a public hearing. The aim of the proposed amendments was inter alia to improve the court’s proceedings in parental disputes concerning parental responsibility. In such cases it is necessary to ensure a thorough investigation before the court makes its decision. The proposal also includes a clarification of young children’s right to participate and be provided the opportunity to be heard in any judicial proceedings concerning parental responsibility, where the child shall live permanently and the child’s right of access to the parents. The Norwegian Government commits to present a draft resolution concerning the amendments in the Children Act to the Parliament during the spring of 2013.
Public sector spending across police, justice, health and victim support are estimated at NOK 2 – 2.4 billion (€237 – 284 million) in 2010. This included services addressing domestic violence against children.[4]
[1] Worldometer, “Norway Population (Live)”, (worldometers.info)
[3] Neroien AI, Schei B. Partner violence and health: results from the first national study on violence against women in Norway. Scand J Public Health. 2008;36(2):161–168
[4] RASMUSSEN I. et. al. (2012): Samfunnsøkonomiske kostnader av vold i
nære relasjoner. Vista Analyse AS Rapport 2012/41