TUC, a national trade union centre for unions across England and Wales, recent poll of more than 1,000 women revealed that 3 in 5 women have experienced sexual harassment, bullying or verbal abuse at work. This figure rises to almost 2 in 3 women aged 25 to 34.
Crucially, 2 out of 5 incidents referenced harassment from a third party, such as a customer, client or member of the public, which rose to around 50% amongst incidents reported by women aged 25 to 34.
The data also reveals underreporting to be a major cause for concern, with just one in three women who experienced sexual harassment at work reporting it to their employer. Common reasons for not reporting harassment include: (1) feeling that they would not be taken seriously or believed (39%); (2) concerns that it may negatively impact their relationships at work (37%), and; (3) concerns it may negatively impact their career prospects (25%).
To learn how you can support employees who experience harassment in the workplace, download our business case.
To enquire about our stranger harassment workplace training, email hello@thrivefuture.org.