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Writer's picture: ThriveThrive

Population size:

502,653 [1]

Number of people experiencing domestic abuse each year:

Women: 4% in last 12 months, 15% lifetime.[2]

No research on male victims or other gender identities.

Cost of domestic abuse to the economy each year:

The European Institute for Gender Equality has estimated that the cost of intimate partner violence against women in Malta could amount to EUR 90 million per year.[3]

Estimated % change due to COVID-19:

Marked increase noted [4] but no concrete research.

Current law and policy:

Legal protection is provided against domestic violence in the Gender Based Violence and Domestic Violence Act 2018. The president has spoken out about domestic violence as a problem.

Legal protection is provided against domestic violence in the Gender Based Violence and Domestic Violence Act 2018. Including the right of victims to have the rights to remain in their home without the abuser. Malta has signed and ratified the Istanbul convention in 2014. On February 19th 2020 the President said that “Society cannot remain silent in the face of domestic violence”. 



[1] The World Bank, (1)

[2] UN Women, “Global Database on Violence Against Women – Malta”, <>

[3] European Institute for Gender Equality (2014). Estimating the costs of gender-based violence in the European Union, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg



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