Population size:
4,937,374 [1]
Number of people experiencing domestic abuse each year:
Survey data from 2013 found that 19-26 percent of women and girls have reported having been raped by a stranger, and that 70-73 percent of married women have been sexually assaulted by their husbands, according to Nicola Jones, a research fellow at the ODI. [2]
No research on male victims or other gender identities.
Cost of domestic abuse to the economy each year:
22.7% of GDP [3]
Estimated % change due to COVID-19:
No research.
Current law and policy:
Liberia commits to implement domestic violence legislation, National Action Plan, and improve access to justice.
The Government of Liberia commits to adopt domestic violence legislation and ensure its implementation by relevant state authorities to address and prevent domestic violence. The Government will further ensure that funds are allocated in the national budget for the implementation of the National Action Plan on Sexual and Gender-based Violence. It pledges to upscale effort with the Liberia Justice System to improve women and girls' access to justice and to end impunity towards violence against women and girls.
Frontline Services:
Y Care International - https://www.ycareinternational.org/where/liberia/ - enq@ycareinternational.org
VOSIEDA - https://vosieda-west-africa.business.site/ - info@vosieda.org
Healthy Women Liberia - http://www.healthywomenliberia.org/ - https://www.healthywomenliberia.org/contact-us/
Asante Africa - https://asanteafrica.org/ - info@asanteafrica.org
Think Liberia - https://www.thinkliberia.com/ - https://www.thinkliberia.com/contact
[1] The World Bank, (1)
[2] IRIN, Tackling Liberia's high rape rate, 18 July 2014
Further Reading
[1] UN Women, (10)