Population size:
83,132,800 [1]
Number of people experiencing domestic abuse each year:
At least one woman is physically injured every hour on average at the hands of their partner in Germany, according to new figures released on Monday. In total, more than 114,000 women were victims of domestic violence, threats, stalking or coercion by their partners or ex-partners in 2018. Of these victims, 122 were killed that year — one every three days. [2]
Prevalence of domestic violence against women (lifetime): 22%. [3]
No research on male victims or other gender identities.
Cost of domestic abuse to the economy each year:
EUR Cost of interpersonal violence against women: 17,372,437,805/ EUR
Cost of interpersonal violence: 19,450,310,003
EUR Cost of gender-based violence against women: 35,952, 585, 307
EUR Cost of gender-based violence: 41,188,792,633
The minister announced that the government will spend €30 million ($33 million) each year over the next four years toward increasing the capacity of women's refuge shelters. There are currently only 350 women's shelters in Germany. [5]
Estimated % change due to COVID-19:
Researchers from the Technical University (TU) Munich and the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research (RWI) found from a representative sample that, 3.1% of were victims of physical violence during the period of strict contact restrictions and stay-at-home orders, 3.6% were raped by their partner and children were violently punished in 6.5% of all households. Of 3,800 women asked, 7.5% of women reported physical violence against themselves, 10.5% reported violence against children. [6]
Current law and policy:
Germany commits to ratify and implement the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women. Germany commits to ratify and implement the Council of Europe Convention to Prevent and Combat Violence against Women and Domestic Violence by taking the following steps: improve data collection on gender based violence in 2012; establish a national hotline number to report violence against women by 2013; develop a national monitoring concept to assess the results of all policy measures to protect women from violence by 2014; eliminate unequal pay between men and women; and develop a National Action Plan to implement the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 by the end of 2012.
Frontline Services:
Her Equality Rights and Autonomy (HERA) - https://hera.international/ - info@hera.international
Terre Des Femmes (TDF) - https://www.frauenrechte.de/en/ - info@frauenrechte.de
Frau und Beruf eV, Berlin (Women in the Centre of Life) - https://frauundberuf-berlin.de/ - info@frauundberuf-berlin.de
Lara Berlin - https://lara-berlin.de/startseite - beratung@lara-berlin.de
In Via Berlin - https://invia-berlin.de/schutz-fuer-frauen/beratungsstellen-fuer-frauen-die-von-menschenhandel-betroffen-sind/ - moe@invia-berlin.de
[1] The World Bank, (1).
[2] https://www.dw.com/en/germany-1-woman-per-hour-is-victim-of-domestic-violence/a-%2051396638 (November 2019)
[4] https://eige.europa.eu/publications/estimating-costs-gender-based-violence-european-%20union-report (page 142) (2012)
[5] https://www.dw.com/en/germany-1-woman-per-hour-is-victim-of-domestic-violence/a-51396638 (November 2019)
[6] https://movendi.ngo/news/2020/06/07/germany-domestic-violence-is-rising-during-quarantine/ (June 2020)
Further Reading