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Writer's picture: ThriveThrive

Population Size:


Number of People Experiencing Domestic Abuse Each Year:

2009: 70% of women reported having been subjected to physical and/or sexual violence.

33% of women reported having been verbally, physically or sexually attacked by their partner.[2]

No research on male victims or other gender identities.

Cost of Domestic Abuse to the Economy Each Year:

No research.

Estimated % Change due to COVID-19:

No research.

Current Law and Policy:

Since 2016, the government of the Comoros has been committed to intensifying its efforts against domestic violence against women.

Under the Law on the Repression and Prevention of Violence against Women, domestic violence is considered a criminal offence. The legislation covers domestic violence from former partners and within the family and includes physical, sexual, psychological and economic violence. It also includes provisions regarding the prevention of domestic violence, the caring of victims, the raising of awareness and education campaigns.

The Road Map 2016-2018: A National Action Plan to Combat Violence against Women includes domestic violence as one of its domains of action.

The UN Human Rights Council recommended to the Comoros government that it should continue to combat domestic and sexual violence against women, which includes adopting a comprehensive law on such, protect victims of violence and establish shelters for them.

In 2017, a report found that the Law treats domestic violence as an aggravating circumstance that includes crimes committed by one domestic partner against an existing or former partner. Upon being convicted, one could face a prison sentence of up to 5 years and a fine of up to 2 million Comorian francs ($4,500). However, courts have rarely convicted perpetrators and there is no reliable data on this issue. Although women rarely file official complaints, of the women that do file such, these are rarely entered into the court system even if officials may have taken action, usually in the form of arresting the spouse, when the domestic violence is reported. There are reports that families and/or village elders have settled many allegations of sexual violence informally through traditional means and without recourse to the formal court system.[3]



[1] The World Bank, (1).

[2] UN Women, “Global Database on Violence Against Women – Ratio of Women Subjected to Verbal, Physical or Sexual Violence”, (

[3] US Department of State, “Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2017 - Comoros”, (2017), Report.

Further Reading

[1] UNICEF, “Annual Report – Comoros”, (2014), Report.

[2] OECD, “Comoros”, (2019), Social Institutions and Gender Index.

[3] UN OHCHR, “Universal Periodic Review – Media Brief”, (, 31 January 2014).



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