Population Size:
Number of People Experiencing Domestic Abuse Each Year:
2018: There were 64,361 complaints in Chile related to domestic violence, and of these, 76% of the violent incidents were against women.[2]
No research on male victims or other gender identities.
Cost of Domestic Abuse to the Economy Each Year:
Intimate partner violence amounts to roughly 2.0% of GDP in Chile.[3]
Estimated % Change due to COVID-19:
70% increase in the number of calls made to helplines in the first weekend of lockdown.[4]
Current Law and Policy:
Chile is committed to implementing the UN Security Council Resolution No. 1325 by way of updating its National Plan. The Plan will meet the international requirements set out by the Resolution and share this year its know-how, experiences and good practices by means of different training activities addressed to countries of its region, including its officers, experts and the civil society organisations concerned.
Frontline Services:
Fundacion de Beneficencia Hogar de Cristo - http://www.hogardecristousa.org/ - contacto@hogardecristousa.org
[1] The World Bank, (1).
[2] Under-Secretariat for Crime Prevention, “Domestic Violence”, (2018), Report of the Centre for the Study and Analysis of Crime.
[3] World Health Organisation (‘WHO’), “Violence and Injury Prevention: The Economic Dimensions of Interpersonal Violence”, (who.int).
[4] Sigal, Miranda, Martinez and Machicao, (71).
Further Reading
[1] UN Women, (10).